Episode Guide
Informations about the episode guide
We would be happy if our episode guide is not just a source of information for you, but you become part of the guide by letting us share your knowledge so that it can grow and can always be improved.
You can simply contact us via PM in the forum or via email to info@cobra11-fanclub.de if you still have some missing informations in the episode guide, would like to suggest improvements or have found an error that should be corrected. Thank you in advance to everyone who will support this project!
The episodes in our episode guide are organized according to the german broadcasting schedules and provided with the period of the first broadcast for better clarity. The episode numbers are also sorted according to the period of the TV first broadcast. We decided on this structure because the order of the episodes on the DVDs and Blu-rays is incorrect sometimes and some episodes are missing for various reasons.
Unfortunately there is no English version of our episode guide yet. We will make these available as soon as someone has translated the content. If you would like to translate the episode guide for us, you are welcome to contact us by email.
Some information about the structure of the episode guide, which is divided into the following points:
- Folgentitel
The title of each episode. - Episodenbild
An official press photo of each episode. - Kurzinfos
Quick information on the episode, consisting of the episode number (sorted by first TV broadcast), run length (playing time of the DVD / Blu-ray version), first broadcast (first TV broadcast on RTL) and the TV ratings (total viewer of the first broadcast). - Folge anschauen
Various portals are linked here, where you can stream the episode online (possibly for a fee) or buy it as a DVD or Blu-ray. - Folgeninhalt
The official summary of the respective episode of RTL, which can be found in the program guide, for example. - Zusammenfassung
A more comprehensive summary of the respective episode, provided by the official fan club, which mainly focuses on the team of the highway police and summarizes the episode chronologically and in key points. This summary may include spoilers. - Trivia
Under Trivia we have put together interesting (background) information on the respective episode, if we have any. Information about the unabridged version of the episode can also be found here. - Musikguide
Our music guide provides a chronological order of the music (title and artist) in the respective episode, a brief description of the scene in which the respective title is played, and links to purchase portals where the titles can be purchased. The specified time code is based on the DVD / Blu-ray version and is rounded to a quarter of a minute, since the counters of DVD and Blu-ray players can differ from one another. - Darsteller
Here you can find out which role is played by which actor in the episode. - Crew
All crew members of the respective episode are listed here, which were mentioned in the episode and in the credits.
We would like to thank RTL Televison for the kind permission of the images and texts, which enhances our episode guide optically and in terms of content.
We hope you enjoy browsing our episode guide!
The team of the official "Alarm for Cobra 11" fan club
Unser Episodenguide enthält Produktplatzierungen:
In unserem Episodenguide sind Affiliate-Links zur Seite von Amazon, iTunes und weiteren Partnern eingebunden, an denen wir über Werbekostenerstattung am Umsatz beteiligt werden. Mit einem Kauf über die angegebenen Links unterstützt du den offiziellen Fanclub zur RTL Actionserie "Alarm für Cobra 11" ohne das dir dabei zusätzliche Kosten entstehen.
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