Kurze Frage: Bin bisher davon ausgegangen, dass der Glatzkopf, der in der Rückblende mit Kathrin gezeigt wurde und der sie an der Tankstelle entführt hat, der Mörder mit einer Maske war, oder war das ein anderer? Dann ist der ja aber nicht gefasst worden, wenn es nicht der Mörder war...
[E286] Fragen, Anregungen und sonstiges: "Tausend Tode"
- Frage
Eye -
26. September 2015 um 21:35
Das war der Tattoo Mörder!
As I don´t understand very good the german, I have got some doubts.:
Was the killer an imitator or he did all the crimes?. Any why did he kill the girls? only for doing the tatoos? abd finally were there any relationship between Katrin and the killer? the girl in the photo with the killer was Katrin or her sister?
thank you !!!!
The killer did all the crimes, it was a religious mission for him. The killer killed Katrins sister so there weren't a relationship.
Thank you very much Olla8, you are very nice now the episode is clearer to me.
the girl in the photo with the killer was Katrin or her sister?
She was the Girlfriend of the Tattoo Killer. She seduced him and then leave.
Thank you very much Silly
Was für eine Schlange war das nochmal in der Episode?
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