Could somebody explain me the story of sander? It s clear that he his corrupted but why does he hate him so much semir and alex and wants that the psychologists does a fake statements to alex and semir?
Thanks so much
Could somebody explain me the story of sander? It s clear that he his corrupted but why does he hate him so much semir and alex and wants that the psychologists does a fake statements to alex and semir?
Thanks so much
Because he needs a spectacular trial including conviction to get promoted...
Wobei ich persönlich ja finde, dass man das damals ziemlich wenig hervorgehoben hat. Es wird eigentlich nur bei den Treffen zwischen Sander und Escher thematisiert und von Semir und Alex nie hinterfragt. Auch der Zusammenhang zwischen Sampi und den korrupten Polizisten / Alex‘ Verhaftung erschien mir damals wie zwei verschiedene Handlungen, die dünn miteinander verbunden worden sind. Nicht falsch verstehen, ich liebe die Alex-Ära, aber so richtig einwandfrei und hundertprozentig durchdacht waren die Backgroundstorys damals nicht.
thanks both mates
I love alex ara too !!
Operation Sampi i think was great.. the story of the public prosecutor i did not like too ... (unecessary ...) the only episode was great (with reference to that story) was TAG DER ABRECHNUNG
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