so, wie versprochen nun noch die BIlder:
Interview "Gedeon Burkhard
Na, wieder gesundet?!
Danke für die Bilder, Stephanie!
Danke für die Fotos. Sind ja echt schön geworden.
Vielen Dank für das tolle und sehr interessante Interview!!
Danke auch für die coolen Fotos!!
Wünsche Gedeon alles Gute und Liebe für die Zukunft!! -
Danke für das tolle Interviwe. Die Fotos sind sehr gut geworden
So und hier haben wir das komplette Interview in Englisch, für unsere ausländischen Freunde im Forum. Danke für das Übersetzen an Katrin 88
Interview „Gedeon Burkhard“
At the 12th February 2008 during the „Berlinale“ the coming pilot “City in Fear”of “Alarm fuer Cobra 11” was shown as a world premier in a cinema in Berlin.
There was also a report about it:
In the course of this screening we were given the opportunity to talk with Gedeon Burkhard about his role as detective chief superintendent Chris Ritter and to ask him some questions.
Finally the first interview of “Ten questions to...” is available now.
Once again, thank you very much to Steffi and Daggi who sacrificed themselves to ask Gedeon Burkhard the following questions:After two years you will say goodbye to Cobra 11 after the current season. How did it come about and what can we expect in the following episodes?
Gedeon: “For me it’s the end of a journey that started 2 years ago. After the following season, in which some new things of the past of Chris Ritter are reavealed, the character Chris Ritter finally would have been a “nice partner” in the cobra family. But I didn’t want it like that and the opinions of the producers and myself disagreed. Therefore we parted company on good terms and the role of Chris Ritter will hopefully be told to an interesting end in the last season...”
Your memory of the shooting, can you remember anything that was really fun? Is there anything that went wrong?
Gedeon (smiling): “You better ask Erdogan, because he is the expert on everything that is fun...”
Would you personally see yourself as a good driver?
Gedeon (again laughing): “I`m okay...but I’m not driving very much. Only on closed streets...You `unlearn` it at “Cobra 11”, because there you can drive as you like.”
Which other roles would you like to play? And which projects are there planned?
Gedeon: “Let’s see what’s coming. For now go to the cinema and watch “Märzmelodie”. All the other things are in planning but I don’t already want to talk about them.”
You have yourself grown into acting at a very early age. Would you also find it good for your own daughter? Would you support it? Or do you think that children shouldn’t deal with acting too early?
Gedeon: “I think, if the desire is too strong, I wouldn’t be able to stop her. But I still have time until then...if she wants it, we’ll see. I started at the age of 8. I hope, she gives herself more time and leaves more options open.
Gedeon Burkhard and the role of Chris Ritter. Are there any parallels? Are you similar?Gedeon: “Chris Ritter is really a completely different type to me.”
Last question that also interests many of your fans: At the beginning, your role smoked very much but then stopped …
Gedeon: “Yes...right after the first episode. I would have liked to smoke longer...(smiling) In Germany you have to be especially correct, which somethimes can be impeding for the telling of a story or the background. I also had to fight that Chris Ritter finally is allowed to drive without a seatbelt…“
Very last question, have you personally tried to stop smoking?
Gedeon: “I have stopped. Let’s see if it lasts...but actually I don’t want to talk about it.”
We thank him very much for taking time for us despite the time pressure and wish him many new exciting projects.
Vielen Dank für das Interview und die Bilder. Vor allem aber auch dafür, das es für englischsprachige Fans die Möglichkeit gibt, das Interview in einer für sie verständlichen Sprache lesen zu können.
Thanks a lot.
@Steffi + Dagmar: Vielen lieben Dank für das interessante Interview und die wirklich tollen Bilder! Ist echt Klasse geworden!
Bin schon gespannt, welcher Schauspieler sich als nächstes den 10 Fragen stellt!
ZitatGedeon: „Mal sehen, abwarten, was kommt. Jetzt geht doch alle ins Kino zur Märzmelodie...
@Gedeon: Das hätte ich soooo gerne gemacht! Aber unser sogenanntes "Weltstadtkino" meinte ja, den Film bereits nach vier Tagen wieder aus dem Programmm nehmen zu müssen! Da hatte ich einfach keine Chance...
Danke für die Bilder. Bist ein echter Schatz!
Danke fürs Einstellen Elvira!
If there are any mistakes in the text, please don't hesitate to tell me!Thanks a lot.
You're welcome!
@Stephanie: Ebenfalls danke für die super Bilder!
hey ihr 2!
auch von mir ein danke schön für das interview und die bilder;) -
Dankeschön für das tolle und interessante Interview und die schönen Bilder
Danke für das Interview. Freue mich schon auf die Restlichen. hehe
Ech eine Coole Sache und top Idee mit diesen Interviews.
Greetz Erdogan7
Coole Bilder und das Interview klasse.
Vielendank dafür -
ich schließe mich den anderen nur zu gerne an...
--->nochmal danke für das coole interview und für die tollen bilder...freu mich schon auf das Nächste....^^
Vielen Dank fürs Interview,
das ist echt Klasse und die Bilder auch. -
Danke für das Interview.
Die Bilder sind echt klasse,danke für das Interview.
Tolles Interview (danke an Steffi und Daggi) und genau so schöne Bilder, vielen Dank! Mal sehen wie "Märzmelodie" so wird.
also Ich finde das Chris Ritter der beste Partner für Semir war (außer tom Kranich)
Jetzt mitmachen!
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