Beiträge von ronda

    Will there be any relationship between the photos and the fact that she is not already in the serie.?
    Has she left the serie or she has been fired? Because I think that the end of Jenny has been a little strange. Anybody has said nothing about her

    A great episode, really good with great works of all the actors, but at the end in my opinion, it has been a little fast. Finn and Kruger fly the door and in the next scene they are in the ambulance and Semir with so important wound he must lose lot of blood and he moves very well all the episode.


    It is sad that Jenny leaves the serie but I won't miss much her.
    She is good actress but Jenny hasn't liked to me do much. Jenny is a many serious person and sometimes unfriendly and she entered in the serie when Hezberger left the serie. I loved this character much more that Jenny.

    Elvira I am a fan of the serie from the begining in 1996 too.

    I have seen all the episodes and my favourite seasons were with Andre ,Tom and Jan. and the Alex`s seasons were very good with many quality but so serious and sometimes bored, for exemple Revolution was very bored in my opinion.
    Also the audiences weren´t very good with Alex with all the quality that they had.

    In the episode of the thursdays there was action not all was comedy, and I found good the action except the scene in the fighting with Semir at the end.

    But I think that the episode wasn´t so bad for a 4,5/10 or 5/10

    i want to say that the episode has got so many idiot scenes but I am with Actionheld. For me it has been funny.

    Many of you think that Erdogan does bad when Semir is as a clown but I admire him for it. He shows with it that he is a great actor , able to do any character. he is super fantastic serious but he does a great job in comedy. For me it is to be an actor.
    Semir hasnˋt to be always serious he can be too funny

    the interesting trailer in youtube

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    @ rafaesschwarz: Du solltest immer daran denken: "Schlimmer geht immer!" (Ein "alter Knastspruch" aus der Folge "Hetzjagd") ;)

    @ ronda: Rhetorical question: Have you ever watched the episodes #1 (Bomben bei KM 92 | Bombs at km 92) up to #179 (Unter Feinden | Among Enemies) or at least the episodes #48 (Höllenfahrt auf der A4 | Hell Ride on the A4) up to #157 (Hals- und Beinbruch | Break a leg)? If I may give you a well-intentioned advice: Inform yourself conscientiously about what this TV series actually deals with and especially about the meaning of its title/name "Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei" (Alert for Cobra 11 – The Highway Police).

    Hello Autobahnpolizist1996!
    Sorry but I am well informed. I want to say you that I have seen all the the episodes of the serie, and in fact, I have got all the episodes recorded, since bomben bei Km 92, so I know that I am saying. and my favourite episodes are from Tom Kranichˋs seasons , first time that he appeared in cobra 11 , I have always loved the serie and I admit that nowadays the serie has less quality and I berlieve that it continues being very good serie.. It is my opinión
    I know that the main in cobra 11 is the railway and this continues but there has been many episodes where we can see very few the railway inclusive old episodes for exemple:
    Die Hutte am See or Wer Wind sät

    the world of Bollywood is beautiful!! I like bollywood dancing

    Not all is negatif. Many people thought that Halloween and the konig von Ahjada would be bad epidodes and they have been good episodes with mistakes but good