Beiträge von ronda

    You can see in youtube a new interview with Erdo . Here:

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    A great episode, for me it is between the best of the season. Very pareil to the last episode with Ben.

    A great jpb of Vincent Kiefer avery good too the actor who is his father.

    Very emotive the end with all the partners inclusive the chef and very beautiful the encounters in the road between Alex and Semir and embarking on its way each one.

    I give 8,5/10

    I think the serie without Semir or Semir as chef will not be success and the audience will give back, only it is a success if Semir is in action , because he can too to be in the Street being an chef as we have seen in the episodes Tödliche Kunst and das Versprechen.
    If we see Semir only in the office it will not like to the audience. The proof is the episode of the thursday die kampferin that it was a very good episode but Semir wasn´t in the Street and people prefered Babyalarm to it.
    The episodes where Semir wasn´t have always fail.
    Semir is the soul of the serie and without him or he only in a office, I supose cobra 11 would be cancelled, in my opinion.

    Finally I want to say that the Semir's character is not finished. There are many pisibilities for him for exemple: from to marry again with Andrea, and illness, his daughters' problemes, or to divorced definitively of Andrea.

    A very good episode, with a lot of Jenny and a interesting history.
    I have liked the humor with Semir as chef very very funny but I hoped that he would be in the street in any time in the episode and I think that it has hurt the episode. In my opinion the episodes without Semir or few of him doesn´t work very good, I think that in the kampferin has been noted that not participate much and the audience has been low for it.

    The actress that has permanced Sandra has done very well her character and Katryn Hess again very well too.

    Tha Alex´s jump at the end at been fantastic.

    I give to the episode 9/10

    I think that the poor audience of the espisode Die Kämpferin is because Semir is very few in the episode, he is not in action and when Semir is not very present Cobra 11 doesn´t like to the public. Without Semir the serie is always down althought the episode is very good as the episode of yesterday.
    In Babyalarm althought in my opinion the episode is very bad and ridicule, both characters Semir and Ben are very present and people likes it because it is very funny I think it is the reason because the audience is better.

    I am sure the audience in the last episode of the season will be better.

    A great episode. for me much more better than Space, with fantastic works of Erdogan and Katrin. It is the second time that Semir saves her in the water.
    This episode remember me the episode Angst for the afraid of Jenny as Susanne in Angst.
    I have loved the scene in the water, and against other people in the forum I have liked Danna in the episode she behaves as any girl of her age, with mobile or internet.
    Very shocked when Jenny shoots Semir and with the person with the white mask.
    Very funny the first with Semir and Dana and the beer, and very emotional the scene in the stairs.

    I give to it : 8,5/10

    Here we have the trailer:

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    For me a good episode better than duell in wildnis. The accidents great ,overall the first. But the history is very repetited. They must to look for news histories.

    I give to it 7'5/10

    I hope next episode with Jenny will be better

    A little video about this event with Erdogan:

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    Here we have got the trailer

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