Beiträge von ronda

    Here it is the trailer of this episode
    in my opinion it will be according to the trailer better than Jump

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    I don´t know what will happen next week I supose the audienes will be similar to yesterday but I am sure last episode of this season auf eigene gefahr the audience grow again

    I have loved this episode, very romantic with Semir and Andrea with a happy end for both together, with many action and tensión.I have the nerves all the time ;

    There was also something of humour ,an history in style of agent 007. In some moments the episode has remembered me to the film with Angelina Joli and Brad Pitt : Mr and Ms Smith :Brad and Angelina were as Semir and Andrea except that they havent´t fought between them like in the movie, On the contrary they helped them to each other

    Andrea has been fantastic in the episode, she is the main caracter in the episode of yesterday (above Semir and Alex) as secret agent with Semir, very good the scenes in the restaurant, toilets and at the disco, and the fight between Felicia with Alex and Semir

    I give to the episode 10/10

    I have believed that she was truly dead, it has been as surprise to see her in the hospital at the end

    I would have liked to see their daughters at the final scene and very beautiful that Ayda is Erdogan´s daughter.

    A great episode, with something of humour, very good action scenes (overall at the beginning) ;Very good also the actress who does Elena Stiller: the friendship between Semir and Alex is growing more and more and at the end: Andrea, to prepare next episode ,here we can see that she and Semir is very near now helped by Alex
    Hope that next episode to finish happy to both.

    I do to the episode 9/10

    If does anybody want to see the trailer, you can do it here:

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    I´m of the same opinion, the old episodes were better, with more quality, and the scripts were better too.
    Now the histories repeat one time , and other, etc.Many histories are repeated for example in this season the banks, or pharmaceutical or problems with computers.
    In the old episodes the histories were true,real problems of the people more dramatic and there weren´t so action scenes that it is the main now.
    I miss episodes as der joker, crash,Der Alte und der Junge, sonnerkinder or Tod bei Tempo 100. These were great and magnifical epìsodes with greats histories.

    I have found this episode very good, with great actors overall Uwe Bohm, he is a great actor as a psychopath, and a great history with drama and something of humour.
    Semir is considering to return with andrea y relationship between Semir and him is more and more better.
    I like to see Felix again , and that there are conection among all the episodes not episodes without conexion one to the others. We see it since last season with Ben.

    The serie is improving more and more, the line of the episodes more adult, and serious leads the series on the right track although is a pity that the audience aren´t very strong, I am sure that the audience will be better with the episode auf eigene gefahr

    Thank you, Cobra 11.

    Have you noticed that in this season there are many women who are dying or to go to die.First: in der dunkle seite :Marianne Breuer; in the second episode is Ina, the older of the sisters ; on the fourth maybe Andrea, we hope she survive, and in the last episode ,auf eigene gefahr, we can see that Nathan is on the floor maybe hurt or died.

    Yes, I have seen too that this actress,Gizem Emre ( Dana), looks like older than Dana of the 72 stunden angst., I think she will be , five or six years older . Althought this episode will be, I am sure, one of the best of all the season.

    One question, why isn´t there any episode on the 20 of November?