Beiträge von Captainfrog

    Hello Everybody ;

    I also watched Mr Erdoğan ATALAY at SOHO STUTTGART and let me tell You I liked his role at Cobra 11 than SOHO STUTGART. Because Cobra 11 is much more immersive than Soho Stuttgart and Our eyes get used to see Erdoğan Atalay at the Cobra 11 series.

    When I saw him at Soho Stuttgart at a chef role of a Money Transfer Company I really feeled myself strange. Because as I told You here I get used to see him as a policeman in Cobra 11 series.

    Thank You very much to You all.

    Hello All Dear Cobra 11 Lovers ;

    I would like to ask You a question about this week's episode Der Ernst Des Lebens. At the final part of the Episode The Semir's daughter Dana expalined that She will do Training at the Autobahn Police. I dont know know so much German. So did I understand right or true ? And Semir's Partner Daniel Rossner has arrenged this Training for Dana Is this also true ? So Does the daughter of Semir do training for being a policewoman in the future ? What does her business will be ? I mean What business area does she start Training ? Anybody answer or reply my Quesiton. I will be glad. Thank You very much from now.

    Hello All Dear Cobra 11 Lovers ;

    I would like to ask You a question about this week's episode Der Ernst Des Lebens. At the final part of the Episode The Semir's daughter Dana expalined that She will do Training at the Autobahn Police. I dont know know so much German. So did I understand right or true ? And Semir's Partner Daniel Rossner has arrenged this Training for Dana Is this also true ? So Does the daughter of Semir do training for being a policewoman in the future ? What does her business will be ? I mean What business area does she start Training ? Anybody answer or reply my Quesiton. I will be glad. Thank You very much from now. :)

    With My Best Regards