Beiträge von Captainfrog

    O zaman ben de kendi tarafımızdan resmi bir yaşam sinyali vermek istiyorum:

    Halen planlama üzerinde çalışıyoruz ve kayıt aşamasının yakında başlayacağını varsayıyoruz. Fan buluşması yukarıda belirtildiği gibi 14-16 Ekim 2022'de gerçekleşecek.

    Hello Dear All ;

    As most of You know I live in İzmir city Turkey Where is the city of Erdoğan ATALAY's RIP Father is from. More as Cobra 11 Fan I request You to record many many videos at Fan Meeting and upload the videos to a Youtube Channel So By this way ; The Cobra 11 Fans Who live outside of Germany like me may feel the Joy of Cobra 11. God bless You. Thank You very much if You make my request real. I will be very very happy and glad. Kindly Best Regards To You.

    Secondly I have contacted with Teoman ATALAY before his death. And He was also congratulated me for bein and follower of his son's ( Erdoğan ATALAY's ) Tv Series. I wish him Rest In Peace and may God takes his soul to Heaven. Pass gut auf dich auf.

    Yours Sincerely

    Gültekin :):başparmak yukarı:

    Erdoğan Atalay, yeni "Bibi & Tina" filminin galasında eşi ve çocuklarıyla kırmızı halıda yürüdü.

    Thank You very much Vlada for the news sharing. I wish Erdoğan ATALAY will return back to the screen with Cobra 11 again. Cobra 11 is like one of the hand and the leg of him. By the way ; I am the hometown person of Erdoğn ATALAY's RIP Father in İzmir city Turkey. Pass gut auf dich auf.

    Eye İyi görünüyor. Muhtemelen sonbaharda gerçekten bir şey olacak.
    Bu dersi RTL'den hiç anlamıyorum. Marka değiştirildiğinden beri kendilerini bile tanımıyorlar

    Programlarını nasıl hizalamaları gerektiği. Ve 3 filmin hepsi kapatılmış gibi görünüyor?
    Ve arşivde tutuyorlar. Gönder ama "Fiyat sıcak" İşte o zaman RTL'yi ilk kez tekrar izledim

    RTL'yi en son Cobra 11 sezonunda görmüştüm.

    @Diriliş "Screenforce-Days."
    Okuduğum kadarıyla, Cobra 11 orada gösterilmemiş.

    Ve bu birçoklarını hayal kırıklığına uğrattı.

    İkinci filmin dublajını bitirirler. Birkaç gün içinde üçüncü filmle başlayacaklar.

    Hello Vlada ; How do You do ?

    Are You sure that we may see the new Cobra 11 event films at the end of August ? So We will see them week by week in 3 weeks time or one after the other in the same day.? Pass gut auf dich auf. :)

    Well, have only 3 films to tell what they wanna tell, so it's the question if you wanna "waste" that limited amount of time on a former side character. Would be nice to see her appear, but I don't need a whole episode to focus on Andrea or the kids anymore. Especially in the Renner-era that was too much!

    I think focussing on the new characters and new strories ist the best thing to do for this reboot of the reboot. i always love to see old characters return (especially hoping to see Jan, Alex and Paul at some point), but it's not the right time for that yet.

    Bringing back Hartmut would be different, as he could fit in the new team very well. A film on his return would be awesome.

    I believe and want from the production Company to stay loyal to the past of the origin of Cobra 11. Which is chasing the criminals on the highway by Semir and his partners with their BMW 3.35i. Also Semir's argument with his partners about driving the car first and about driving technic is also so funny, then after Semir crashes his car He became very sorry and seen embrassed towards to Mrs. Kruger. And I would like to see these scenes in the episodes. So We miss it as Fans. Ofcourse Hartmutt is extremely looked character in the episodes by the Audiences. By the way ; I am the Homeland person of Erdoğan Atalay's father ( Rip ) Kindly Best Regards To You.

    does anybody know if Carina Wiese will be in any of the films?

    Hello Ronda ; How do You do ?

    I think Nobody knows Who will be in the Cast at the Event films. Due to me ; The Director will give place to Carina Weise because she is the wife and the mother of the children of the head role character Erdoğan Atalay So even she actually won't act in the event films , She will be mentioned by the director. This is my feeling and my foresight . Kindly Best Regards To You. :):thumbup:8)

    Adrian Julius Tillmann

    (Üç günde bir - Yönetmen: Darius Simaifar) Kasım / Aralık 2021-Ocak 2022…ulius-tillmann/

    Hello Vlada How do You do ?

    First of all ; I wish You happy new year. Also I wish every of your good wishes become real in this new year. :)

    Do You know the exact date for the new season start of Cobra 11 Tv series in the summer time or at Fall Time ? So Could You please tell me the exact season starting date ? If You know ? Thank You very much. God bless You. Pass gut auf dich auf. :): başparmak yukarı:

    Hello Marco ; How do You do ?

    If I were in Germany ; I would certainly attend to the Fan Meetings. Beside I live in İzmir city Turkey. Where is the Homeland of Erdoğan ATALAY's Father ( Rip ) So I am about the Homeland person of Erdoğan ATALAY. Therefore ; I wish to meet with him. So Enjoy the party time When You meet with Fans.

    Secondly ; I have a request from You that ; When You see Erdoğan Atalay please tell my Regards to Him and mention me as his Rip ( Rest In Peace ) Father's Homeland person. Pass gut auf dich auf. Merry christmas and a happy new year! Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch! Mutlu Noel ve Yeni Yıl diliyorum.

    Kindly Best Regards


    Hello Miky How do You do ?

    I explained the three episodes Which I most like among all the episodes. And let me remind You that Die junge under der Alte was Tom Kranich and Semir were acting together. At least I remember like this. And I like the episodes Duell in Der Wildness Where Alex Brandt and Semir were acting together. As I explained König Der diebe was so emotional Where the young boy wants to make his dreams real and unfortunately were killed at the begining of the episode. Pass gut auf dich auf.

    I think the serie could continue when Semir is out the prison after finishing four years or for good behavior.

    He could return to the Police with Vicki in good health and finishing this way the serie

    Hello Ronda ; I hope The new series filming start soon. Because we now still watch the last years episodes on rtlnow de . I wish Cobra 11 Tv series will continue. God bless You. :)

    Kindly Best Regards

    I think the spring season starts when the 9th season of „Der Lehrer“ is over. Without a break in the season, the 8th April is the first possible date for the Cobra. But maybe there‘ll be soccer games between the episodes of „Der Lehrer“, I don‘t know.

    Thank You very much for the information. So this means that We have to wait until the end of the spring. God bless You and your beloved ones. Happy new year to You and to your beloved ones.

    Best Regards


    Hello Dear All ;

    I wish You Merry Christmas and happy New Year. By the way ; Does anybody know When the new spring season start ? Thank You very much. I wish everyone healthy, peaceful, happy, lucky wealthy new year with your beloved ones. :thumbup::)

    Best Regards

    Gültekin :) 8)

    Hello Dear All ;

    Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute für 2021!

    Bleiben Sie gesund und kümmern Sie sich um Ihre Lieben,

    wünscht Ihnen und Ihrer Familie alles Gute für 2021. Frohe Weichnachten und einen guten rutsch ins Neue Jahr.

    Kindly Regards & Best Wİshes

    Gültekin :):thumbup:8)

    Hello Dear All ;

    My favorite episodes are ;

    Episode Titel = Duell in der Wildnis ( Anna Puck takes arole as Forest Ranger. Her role was so pure and nice by protecting the Animals in Nature. Also Erdoğan Atalay's ( Semir Gerkhan ) Partner was Vinzenz Kiefer ( Alex Brandt )

    Episode Title= König Der Diebe

    Here in this episode ; The killed boy Who was killed at the begining of the episode and he was a thief and want to make real his dream with the Teenage girl in the episode. Un fortunately he was killed by the mafia shooter at the begining of the episode in the Cafe - restaraunt at Gas ( Tank ) Station ( Service Area ) on Highway. The boy was so honest in his dream. Beside he was killed before his dream become real in the episode. Than Paul succeeded his dream become real at the end of the episode. This is the second episode Which affected me much.

    Episode Title = Der Alte und der Junge

    In this episode The story of the old man and a young ill boy's told. They both escape from the two criminals and Semir and Tom survivies them from the two criminals at an abonded church in the forest. This episode is so emotional and I advise You to see.

    Kindly Best Regards

    Das wird aber noch einige Zeit dauern und nicht von heute auf morgen verschwinden. Immerhin erteilt die Stadt Köln mittlerweile mal wieder Drehgenehmigungen im öffentlichen Raum unter Auflagen.

    Hello Dear Marco and All Cobra 11 Fans ;

    We all love Cobra 11 and I wish to meet Cobra 11 series too. Whereas ; Due to global Pandemic event takes the health conditions to the most important level. I wish every Cobra 11 team member become and stay healthy. Than I am sure that of course one day we will meet with Cobra 11 series.

    God bless You and God bless our all World. I wish You all healthy days. Take care. Be safe. God bless You All.

    Kindly Best Regards


    Hello Dear All Cobra 11 Fans ;

    I am happy with this epsiode happy End. Because Maja were under great risk and finally They rescued from all the dangers ( The closest friend Sophie and Dennis ) in their life. So I hope and wish that God protects everyone from dangerous people such as Sophie and Dennis in real life.

    Maja was unlucky. Because her best and close friend Sophie betray her and become her enmy and wanted to kill her to the website maniac member Dennis. This is completely unfair and a great betray to the sacred friendship. Friends never betray to each other.

    In Turkish ; There is a common proverb ; The stone doesn't come to You from far. This means that if You see any harm, this is from the closest person in your life. Not any person far away You. Stone means wounding object in this proverb. And You may see harm from anybody Who is near to You at any distance just a Stone may thrown. So I advise everybody to be careful When choosing your friends around your environment. Never talk with the characters just like Sophie and Dennis.